Партія Рейверів


Party of Ravers is a virtual online project created in 2019 to promote the interests of the electronic music scene and its artists. Among the goals of the initiative are support of the events and help in critical situations. The founder of Party of Ravers is Sergiy Leshchenko, an electronic music enthusiast since 2003, a former journalist and member of the Ukrainian Parliament

Party of ravers organized the performance of the French musician Kittin in Kyiv in July 2023. 220,000 UAH were collected at the event. This money was spent to purchase two cars for the 28th and 56th brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


Станом на 30 жовтня 2023, зібрали:

  • 220 000 грн

    зібрано з події французької музикантки Kittin в липні 2023 року

  • 2 грн

    автівки придбано для 28 та 56 бригад ЗСУ

  • 220 000 грн

    Загальна сума допомоги

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